Concept Photography
Digital Photography has revolutionized the field of photography to the highest level and it has given a lot of people the chance to enhance their hidden talents in the art of taking pictures.
To understand the concept of digital photography you should first be familiar with a few things about how to use normal film cameras. The camera works just like our eyes; as the eyes see things because of the light that is reflected into the lens, the same thing happens with the camera and the camera lens. The camera lens transfers the light into a plane (film) where it is recorded into the film. The film then will be processed and the images in the negatives will be printed and transferred into photo paper. Basically, this is how photography works.
Concept Photography |
Concept Photography |
Concept Photography |
Concept Photography |
Concept Photography |
Concept Photography |
Concept Photography |
In digital photography, a silicon chip (also called a sensor) is used instead of the photographic film. The main advantage of the silicon chip over films is its ability to be used over and over again, whereas the film has limited capacity when it comes to storing images. In film photography, every exposure comes up with a photograph and the maximum capacity of a roll of film is only 36 shots. It is somehow a little costly to use a film camera for experimental shots.